Wednesday, April 22, 2009

still dieting

Well, I have lost 5 pounds!! It's not much but it's a start. I have been eating Total cereal for breakfast and soup and/or a salad for lunch, then a small supper. My only problem is I think I am not getting enough protein. My blood sugar is too high but I still feel a little shakey at times. Oh well, I want to be SKINNY! If I can loose about 15 more pounds, I want to go golfing and geocaching this summer....I Will Get There.
side note: have you noticed how many cardinals there are this year? Everytime I look outside I see atleast two or three.

Friday, April 17, 2009

The New Diet

I started my newest diet today. I weighed in at 209 at 8:00 a.m. Beth put together a meal plan for the next week and we are both gonna try to stick to it. We want to stay on the diet for six weeks and then see how much weight we have lost...we'll see.